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Monday, February 8, 2010

Ay, February! @ 6:20 PM

So today was basically the worst school day ever. When I got home though, I was greeted by Green Day (I talk about them way too much-- sorry) and my kitties, who followed me around and purred and were generally cute. Quick review of my stunna day:
1) Body checked into wall by stupid Freshman kicking a huge rolled up wrestling mat across the gym hallway. Huge hip bruises.
2) Got told my "music choice sucks" and "Green Day sucks" and "no, you can't put your iPod on the iHome because your music taste sucks" in dance. Also, in this wonderful class, I got kicked and pushed by the ignorant freaks I call my classmates. I retaliated by singing Jesus Of Suburbia loudly and I frankly didn't care anymore. I sulked mostly, because my hip still hurt and people were yelling and listening to rap- um, ew? Yeah. I could go on forever, but I plan to keep my cool...
3) After the hip owie thing I kept getting hit in the hips all day. Ironic. Shoot me.
4) Couldn't get points for my outline becasue it wasn't long enough. Um, OUTLINES AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE LONG. KEY WORDS ONLY, like you keep telling us... but no, it's supposed to be longer... WTPS (what the pickle surprise) even though I timed mine- 5:00 without intro or conclusion... then when it's 2 1/2 pages (a page less than what she accepts) it's 7:30. I find something wrong with that.
5) Got lots of snow. Yay! But also, nay because I had to walk home from the bus stop. Oh, no that's okay! Don't shovel your sidewalk! I'll just walk on the street. Oh, that's okay snow plow! Leave that pile of snow at the edge of my driveway I have to jump over. Oh, that's okay, wind! Just blow that snow over so instead of snow to my ankles, it's snow to my mid calf. Oh, it's okay snow, you can get in my socks. There are more important things than my feet.

At least when I got home things were better. I got all my homework done... my computer still isn't working. No iTunes for me! :( Dumb Trojan virus thingy. I can't even turn it on for 3 minutes before it all shuts down without my prompt.
6) Cherry on top of my crap day: Well, Marnie, Tibby should know this one. They're the only one's who read this anyway. Maybe not even Marnie...
Uhhh, so now on to the beginning of the month dealio thingy.
Things I'm lovin':
Your mom! Jk. Maybe.
Green Day, duh. Especially Nimrod and Warning and American Idiot (always American Idiot). From Nimrod: Take Back, Prosthetic Head, Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), Scattered, Haushinka and Platypus (I Hate You). Off of Warning: Blood, Sex and Booze, Church on Sunday, Deadbeat Holiday, Castaway and Jackass. From AI: Everything, especially Jesus of Suburbia, Holiday, Boulevard of Broken Dreams and Homecoming.
I am also in love with my new haircut. :) And Kathryn might teach me how to play guitar! :D There's a four day weekend this week, and there might possible maybe be a snowday tomorrow, so AYYYY THREE DAY WEEEEEK. I am hoping so, but I find it's best in life to be pessimistic about things so you're not disappointed, rather, but surprised. Although dismal, it is effective. I am also in LOVE with Ham and Cheese Lean Pockets. Nomnomnomnomnomnom. Also, Combos. Delicious snacks that I ate too much of. Oopsies... I need to run on the treadmill every day this four day weekend. Star Trek, CSI, Gossip Girl, HIMYM + Treadmill = not too shabby. Although, I need to remember to bring home my sneakers from school so I can actaully run...
I also want to go shopping this weekend for: Black converse and/or red converse (maybe a low top and high top? or maybe just a low top), skinny jeans (Pacsun has some cheap ones now), Umbrella Academy t-shirt and new iPod earbuds. It's times like these I wish I could drive, it would make it so much easier to just go where I want when I want.

Things I'm not likin' so much this month can be summed up in five words. People and for sale apartments. Grrrr.

I really like my friends. When they heard I had a bad day, they were supportive. :) Kathryn, Marnie and Shane, you guys rock. My other friends rock too, I'm just sayin' these were the people who made me feel better.
Anyway, I am going to go read. Ah, reading. An escape in itself. Good night, world.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy New Year! @ 3:35 PM

Happy New Year, although rather delayed... hee hee.

So, what's new for January? Wellz, let's see what music I'm into this month: As you might have guessed (you probably didn't, you probably don't care), Electric Feel is in my Playlist of the Week (aka: Playlist of WHENEVER I WANT TO CHANGE IT). Along with: Waiting; Blood, Sex and Booze; St. Jimmy; 2,000 Light Years Away; Whatsername; Letterbomb; Give Me Novacaine all by Green Day, and Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon. It's a weird song, but really addicting. For the past like three months, as you've probably noticed (you probably didn't, you probably don't care) I've been on a Green Day fix. I have to say (although I don't want to admit this outloud) it might have surpassed Fall Out Boy/CIWWAF/P!atD as my favorite band. It might be #1, a tiny bit above FOB. For a more intense breakdown (not the 21st Century kind though- lol GD reference), my favorite albums in order with favorite songs. (MAY I TAKE THIS TIME TO POINT OUT THAT MARNIE IS AWESOME FOR LIKING GD A LONG TIME AGO. I hope this doesn't make her feel awkward. Wait, yes, I hope it does.)

1) American Idiot (the entire album)
2) 21st Century Breakdown (21st Century Breakdown, Last Night on Earth, Peacemaker, Viva la Gloria?, Restless Heart Syndrome, Horseshoes and Handgrenades, 21 Guns and American Eulogy)
3) Warning (Blood, Sex and Booze, Waiting and Macy's Day Parade)
From here on out they're all tied.
4) Dookie (Basket Case, She, Sassafras Roots and When I Come Around)
5) Nimrod (Platypus (I Hate You), Time of Your Life and Hitchin' a Ride)
6) Kerplunk! (2,000 Light Years Away and Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?)
7) Insomniac (Brain Stew, Stuck With Me and Walking Contradiction)
I haven't listened to 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours. So... yeah.

Other things I'm liking this month: Mousse Tempations. They're these mousse things made by Jello and they're DELICIOUS. Practicing for speech team! Woo! I don't know what else. x)
I have such a busy weekend! It's a three day weekend too! Tomorrow, I'm going to the Science Olympiad tournament with John and Joe, we're competing and we are gunna pwn. Then, mock Speech tournament which I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M GOING TO WEAR! I have no black pants that fit, and no blazer. I don't know... :( Then homework most likely. On Sunday, Marnie is coming over and we're going to have fun. Then on Monday (MLK day!) Marnie, Santi and I are going to film the sequel to To Kill A Unicorn, and that will be epic. :) It's going to be a jampacked busy weekend. I'm hungry and my hair smells good. I can't decide what to do- watch Star Trek or read, or eat or watch CSI or watch another movie. I think I'm going to watch CSI. And nom on some stuff.
I don't really know what else to write. Ha ha am I boring? Oh, and if you read this far Tweet me / write on my wall: "cabbages" and I'll give you candy or a picture or something. Just for fun.
Agh, this is really short. I don't like short blog posts- it feels like I'm slacking. Ha ha, oh well.
Good bye for now- I might add on later, I'm not really in the mood to write right now. :/

Friday, December 18, 2009

Irrational Fears @ 6:14 PM

Once upon a time, there was this 7th grader and this other 7th grader, both in the 7th grade. They were friends, in the beginning. About two and a half years later, one wanted nothing to do with the other, and the other was trying to fix the things she'd done wrong, with no avail. One scar, irrational fear and a whole lot of maturing later, my life had been changed.
I met her (let's call her ThatOneChick) the first day of 7th grade. We had the exact same schedule (save choir; I was in band) and we had met in elementary school but never really gotten to know each other. She was obsessed with Bon Jovi, and I really had no idea what bands I liked. I'll admit it now, there were some troubles between us (I'm not going to badmouth her, I'm just telling my story. Chill.) and we got into a lot of fights. At the beginning of the new year, about half way into 7th grade, I got into Cute Is What We Aim For, Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco. I don't know what it was, but all of a sudden these bands started popping up and I started liking them. They became my favorite. I made the mistake (but how the heck was I supposed to know it would turn out to be a lifechanging, futuremolding mistake?) of telling ThatOneChick what my favorite bands were when she inquired. The next day (I'm not kidding, it was literally THE NEXT DAY) she came to school and raved, "OMG CUTE IS WHAT WE AIM FOR IS THE BEST. FALL OUT BOY IS AMAZING. PANIC! AT THE DISCO IS MY FAVORITE!" and -snap- like that, she was as obsessed as me. Don't get me wrong, I find it completely okay that people like the same bands as me, I'm not going to bash my best friend because she likes MGMT (she has good taste). ThatOneChick is totally free to like whatever band she wants to, it's just that it seemed so... odd. That one day, she could be totally oblivious to the bands I liked, then the next day, she liked them as much as me. In my opinion, it just seems like you need to take time to like a band. Maybe you'll like their beat or their lyrics right away, but you really have to take time until you call them your favorite. I mean, let's put it this way. You don't meet someone one day, then the next call them your best friend because you got along. Maybe that's not the best example, since friends are different than music, but you see my point? It was weird. And plus, my insecurity (partly caused by ThatOneChick putting me down all the time, and partly just because I was a 7th grader and feeling the pressures of middle school) made me super aware of what she was doing (at the time, it was like she was sucking the originality out of my life, because after this, every time I mentioned a new band or celebrity crush, she would like them very shortly after), and it made me very mad. It was 7th grade! The time to mold myself, be sure of who I was and become Natalie. And it felt like she was taking that away from me. I couldn't stand it. I would stop talking about them, but eventually give in because music meant so much to me at the time (and still does), I couldn't STOP talking about it. It was hard, because even though I was COMPLETELY AWARE that ThatOneChick could like whatever bands she wanted, I still was mad and angry and totally irrational. I was LIVID at ThatOneChick, but I couldn't explain why because, well, think about it. Does, "She stole my favorite bands!" sound like a reasonable explanation to you? And this one event has completely shaped my life. To this day, I WILL NOT tell anyone what bands I like if they like them too. ESPECIALLY if they were the one that got me into them. For example, my friend John. He mentioned he liked Green Day. I liked Green Day from the American Idiot era, but was never really crazy into them. When he mentioned them, I was like, "Oh, hey. I haven't listened to their new album!" and I went home and I did. And I loved it. And I started branching out and listening to Dookie, Shenanigans, Nimrod etc., and was amazed on how good they are. Same with Morgan, when I started liking My Chemical Romance, I didn't tell her. And I would tell anyone BUT John or Morgan. Until I had to ask Morgan how "Iero" was pronounced and then that kinda blew it. Then John saw my "Armstrong" (as in Billie Joe Armstrong) that Kathryn made me, and even though he wasn't all, "Oh, you like Green Day?" I kinda assumed he found out. And I would tell anyone BUT John or Morgan. I advertised it whenever someone asked my favorite bands, or when the subject came up. But not in front of them. Because, as crazy as this sounds, I was afraid that they would react in the same way I did to ThatOneChick. I was worried that they would get mad at me and not talk to me. Like I did to ThatOneChick. I was afraid they would no longer call me their friends after I "stole" their favorite bands. I know that's completely mental and they would never do that, but there's always some part of me that just thinks, "Well, I freaked out like that, what if they feel the same way I do and spaz out and then what?" and yes, people have pointed this out that they probably don't care and probably will think it's cool that I like the same bands as them, but to me, I just can't tell them! It's wrong of me. I know. I know that I overreacted when ThatOneChick "stole" my favorite bands, but heck, she was that kind of person. I never trusted her and since it was in a time of my life where I was vulnerable to insecurity and low self-esteem, to my 7th grade self it seemed like a legit reason to be mad. It wasn't. I GET THAT. And I realize this now. But I can't change how I feel and I will probably never get over this fear. You have to be me to understand how I feel, but this subject has been on my mind a lot lately and I find that the best way to express your feelings is writing them down, and why not in a blog that no one really reads anyway, so it's like explaining things to myself? It helps, kind of. It makes me sound insane, and even more crazy that, as I'm writing this, I'm still not convinced that people will be OK with me liking their favorite bands too. I'm still thinking that they will possibly get mad, or at least irked and think less of me because they might think I'm not original. THERE. That's it. ORIGINALITY. I want to be original. I want to be my own person, unlike anyone else. And in 7th grade, when ThatOneChick "sucked the originality out of my life", I felt like just another clone. I wasn't ME, because there was someone else (ThatOneChick) that was almost just like me. She liked the same stores, the same celebrity guys, the same bands etc. I felt unoriginal and blah. I guess what it all boils down to is that I'm afraid someone ELSE will think that I'm taking their originality away from them by liking the same bands they do (however, I don't like EVERY SINGLE BAND they do, and I do not like them overnight, nor do I flaunt that I like them any more than necessary). That's it. That's my irrational fear. Maybe I shed some light into my dark mind. Maybe it makes more sense.

Nope, still sounds crazy.

And what's more- if I LOVE LOVE LOVE band or a song that I just discovered, and then I put a lyric as my status on Facebook or mention them anywhere, just shooting the breeze, then someone who I'm not really friends with (but if my best friends do the same thing- I'm not mad. I don't know why) suddenly likes the same song/band after I mentioned it in front of them, I get MAD. MAD MAD MAD because it feels like the same thing that happened in 7th grade. Someone I'm not really friends with becoming obsessed with the song/band, and henceforth "sucking" my originality out of me. I feel like I just need something to be mine. Together, a combination of the things I like make up the original Natalie, but I just want something to belong to me and no one else. Like a weird song that no one else likes but I think it's amazing. Or an underground band I accidentally stumbled upon and everyone else doesn't like it. Something of my own that makes me original, even though I already am. And I know that this is wrong- being mad at someone because they like something that happens to be the same as something I like. And it's only with music. If I suddenly have an infatuation with dolphin meat, and I get some chick to try it, and they love it, I'm not going to have her barf it up and demand she dislike it. In fact, I won't be angry at all. Just with music it's that I'm so paranoid. And this paranoia could potentially harm friendships, or prevent them from starting. I know it's a problem, because I get ticked off if they like music I like and we're not besties or if it's sudden- overnight likeage. Ring a bell? It's like 7th grade is repeating and I don't want that to happen again, so I get mad.

I'll bet you're even more confused than before. I'm sorry.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy December @ 2:51 PM

New month. December! This fall has gone by so fast! It seems like just yesterday it was October, then November went by quickly, and now December is here. So, new month new blog post with things I'm obsessed with.
As for music, it's the entire The Black Parade album by My Chemical Romance. Sleep, Welcome to the Black Parade, Cancer, Dead!, I Don't Love You, The End., Disenchanted, Mama and The Sharpest Lives. Also, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge is on my Playlist of the Week, with I'm Not Okay, You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison, Cemetery Drive and Helena. My number one thing on my Christmas list this year is iTunes gift cards. I have a list of all the songs I want, but since I have 41cents in my account, I can't buy any of them! I'm patiently (no) awaiting Christmas so I can buy the 20 some songs I have on my list, most of which come from 21st Century Breakdown. Others are from Fall Out Boy's greatest hits album, some random songs, MGMT songs, and a couple music videos.
I'm loving orange juice this month, so far. Orange juice just rocks. Peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Online shopping, although I never buy anything. Fuzzy boots. Tucking jeans into those fuzzy boots. Long necklaces that have a tangle of awesomeness at the end, or short necklaces that are also cool. And apparently, another thing I'm obsessed with this month is keeping secrets. I don't even know why. It's not like it's even secretive or bad or anything, I'm just scared. I also think I might be a little mentally insane.

Things I'm not liking so much this month, and every other month too.
People who either a) try to outshine your problems with their problems that are apparently so much worse or b) people who brag about things you really don't care about but still irk you.
As for a), it's like this, "Ugh, I have a test tomorrow. I'm nervous." "OH REALLY, REALLY? WELL I HAVE A TEST AND A QUIZ AND A PAPER DUE AND THEY'RE REALLY HARD AND I HAVE SO MUCH STUFF GOING ON TONIGHT AND I CAN'T GET THEM ALL DONE. So blah. Don't complain about your one test when I have so much stuff." Okay, so first, one word: SYMPATHY. We can all share our problems and comfort each other and vent and rant. However, when you try to FREAKING TRUMP my problems, you know how that makes me feel? Ticked off. Because now I don't get to vent my problems, but instead you get to tell me yours, and after how you just treated me, I'm supposed to feel sorry for you? I don't think so. We can all share our woes in turn and I will have just as much sympathy for you as you do for me. And secondly, SHUT. UP.
As for b), it's annoying. You have something, let's say a camera, and you got it a couple months ago and you love love love it. It maybe has some minor glitches, but it's no big deal. Then your friend gets the new version of that same camera. Let's say that you bring said camera to school/place of work/whatever. Said friend wants to see it. You give it to them, and they examine every inch. They start playing with things on the camera, and they notice that there is a small glitch in the flash. The flash flashes 3 times, when it's only supposed to flash once. They examine your memory card, which is a 1GB. Then, they start talking. "Wow, Natalie. This camera sucks. I mean, first, you only have a 1GB! My camera has 3GB memory card. Second, the flash doesn't even work! Mine is so much better." This makes me so extremely mad I could punch something. First off, THANKS. Thanks for pointing out the disadvantages to the camera I love so dearly. Second, YOU'RE DUMB. Why would you even say that? It's like bragging, and putting down my items at the same time. It's rude and annoying. This also applies to iPods, phones, and any item that you both have, but theirs is newer than yours.
As you can probably tell, I'm not in the best of moods. However, I'm not completely destructive and mad, I'm just not very happy. I'm blah.
Have a wonderful December. Let's hope mine gets better, yes? :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving @ 12:15 PM

It's November 26th, the day squished in between two of my best friend's birthdays, the day of turkies, the day of thanks. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Today is the day we give thanks to everything we're thankful for. I am thankful for a lot of things.
-Friends: Really, this is the biggest thing I'm thankful for. I cannot stress enough on how much my friends mean to me. They're there for me when I need them, they listen and, almost most importantly, they make me laugh and feel good about myself. I don't know what I would do without them. I know that sometimes we get into fights and arguments and we disagree a lot, but at the end of the day we're always there for each other, even though we may not show it all the time. Family is included in this section too, because my family members are my friends, and it would be silly to not include them in this category.
-Music: Tied with, if not a little behind, friends. Music is my only love (so far) that is not my relative. It heals me when I'm weak, it brightens my day and it never ceases to cheer me up. I fall asleep listening to music, and I wake up listening to it. I play it when I'm getting ready, I write lyrics on my hand because I can't bring my iPod to school, and when I get home I do my homework with music playing in the background. The only time I don't listen to music is when I'm reading. I don't know why, but I can't seen to concentrate, even though I can concentrate perfectly while doing my homework when music is playing. Maybe the combination of two amazing things (books and music) is just too much for my brain to handle? Music also provides me with poetry and a beat too. Some lyrics are like my life story, while others aren't, but are amazing nonetheless. I like a variety of music, from one end of the spectrum to the other. For example, the sometimes vulgar and "interesting" themes of My Chemical Romance to the ever so innocent happy Owl City. Music is just amazing.
-CSI: Yes, an entire section devoted to CSI. I watch it when I'm sad, when I'm happy, when I'm bored, when I'm mad... heck, I'll watch it whenever. Most of all when I'm feeling down, because there is NOTHING a good dose of Greg can't do. Also, as an escape to get my problems off my mind and dive into the problems of others (I mean, being dead is qute a problem...). The forensics fascinate me, and there is no way I will ever go without CSI. When the series ends, I'll demand it begins again and doesn't stop until Marg Helgenberger dies. However, when and if it does, my heart will die a little inside, but then I'll celebrate the amazing TV show by watching every single episode on DVD. Okay, maybe that's a little much, but I truely am thankful for CSI.
-Jasper and Pasha (and Ernie): My beloved cats. My best friends. They really are the best of friends. They listen (or, I think they're listening... even though they don't understand me), they are so cute, they sleep in my lap and most of all, they DON'T TALK BACK. They can't tell my secrets, and they love me. Whenever I'm feeling glum, I go find them, make them purr and I'm restored. Plus, they're so darn cute.
-Books: As with CSI, they are an escape. I get attached to characters, and there are many books I cannot put down. I am a strong believer in the peaceful coexistence of Twilight and Harry Potter. I have a ton of books, and I want more. I love love love books and I don't know what I would do without them. They're amazingly awesome.

I suppose what I'm most thankful for is my life. I have a wonderful life with friends, books, music, CSI and kittens, and I wouldn't trade my life with a better one. I'm happy with what I have, and even though I'm sometimes sad and wish I could just l e a v e, I never will because I am so thankful that I have such an awesome life.
Happy Thanksgiving- and tell the people you're thankful for that you're thankful for them. :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Twilight Saga hype + Update @ 1:36 PM

So I've been getting pretty ticked off at the whole Twilight Saga thing. I mean, sure, they are amazingly written books, but it's getting INSANE! Here, for your enjoyment, is a breakdown of the Twilight fans/anti-fans.
-The I-Only-Like-It-Because-It's-Cool Person: Simply put, they only like Twilight because it's the "in" thing to do. I knew someone like this, and they once said "OMG, Twilight is SOOO 2008... I hate it now." Previously, she had been obsessed and skipped school to see the actors at a local Hot Topic. In another case, this girl had switched from Team Edward (Monday) to Team Jacob (Tuesday) to I HATE TWILIGHT!!!!!1!!!1!!! (Friday).
-The TWILIGHT STINKS AND I DETEST IT! person: This person cannot stand Twilight and feels like shouting their opinion to the world when Twilight is mentioned. First, yes, we all have a right to our different opinions, but people (not just limited to Twilight anti-fans) are turning into an arrogant poopyface when they feel like shouting their opinions, especially if they're negative. Another thing, is that- okay, you can dislike it and maybe even despise it but that does not mean you can announce that to the world. If you don't like something that much- SHUT UP ABOUT IT! If you irk someone by dissing their favorite book, you're bound to get shunned and maybe even in a heated argument about something, so you'll end up talking about the book you supposedly abhor for a good couple minutes, compared to the zero minutes you would have spent if you had just not mention it at all. A simple "Oh, I don't like those books" would have sufficed too.
-The I Like The Books Not The Movie People. Example= ME! I love the books, they're wonderful, but the movie was blaaaah. Lots of other people fall into this category.
-The TWILIGHT IS LIFE people. Yeah, yeah, we all know who I'm talking about. That one annoying chick at your school who lives, eats, breathes, smells like, tastes and LOVES Twilight.
Annoying is just the light way to put it. I'm okay with people sporting Twilight shirts and wristbands and carrying the book around with them everywhere, but once you but the PERFUME, the SPARKLE DUST, the KEYCHAINS and the FREAKING BOOK BAGS, it's getting a little insane. Perfume? What do vampires smell like anyway? WTF moment in Hot Topic.
-The "There Are Books?" people. Saw the movie. Loved the movie. Bought all the products. Bought the movie. Watched the movie a million times. Yet, somehow, DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE BOOKS BEFORE THE MOVIE. Either they didn't know or were too obsessed with OMG EDWARD CULLEN to even notice the row of Twilight books at the book store/library.

The movies, so far (I haven't seen New Moon yet), have stunk. I'm blaming Catherine Hardwicke for the first one, because I'm hoping the second, third and fourth ones are better with a different director. I guess, I had such high expectations for the movie, and I was disappointed because nothing could live up to Twilight the book. It was an excellent book, and movies are generally let downs, in the book-turned-movie case. I'm hoping they get better. But, oh, the only way they'll get better is if Kristen Stewart leaves. :D

Update time! So, about a year ago, my brother burnt My Chemical Romance CDs for me. Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge and The Black Parade. I never listened to them because I thought My Chemical Romance was this weird band and I was too busy listening to the Pussycat Dolls and Natasha Bedingfield to listen to a new band. Then, about a month ago when I got into Green Day, I started wondering about those CDs at the bottom of my bookshelf, and thinking maybe I should put them on my computer. And I did. And I loved them. I'm obsessed. It's amazing how many new bands I've gotten into this year. MGMT, Green Day, Rooney, My Chemical Romance, The Format, Fun., Journey and Queen. It's insane. I like it. So much music, so little time! That's all that's really new with me and my life. Write later- stay awesome, people.

Update!- I just got back from seeing New Moon with my besties, and I liked it a whole lot better than Twilight! I don't know if it was just a really horrible movie, but since I had such low expectations it was actually good, or if it was actually a good movie. Jasper had some amazing lines that Serena and I about died at those parts... :) Maybe seeing it with my besties made it better? Even though John was like -facepalm- the whole time, I don't think he detested it as much as he let on... I mean, come on- people throwing each other around and smashing them into the floor? "I'm gunna shoot your friggin' face off!" How can you not smile at that?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I wish it was raining. @ 1:09 PM

I wish it was raining because then I wouldn't feel bad about being lazy and staying inside. I got all dressed up in a really cute outfit, did my hair and now I'm sitting around being bored. I got some homework done, some laundry moving so it hasn't been too much of a worthless day. Maybe I'll clean my bathroom out. I need to get on track for my new bedroom. Which doesn't make sense because my bathroom is not my bedroom, but I still need to clean it out so that I can start of fresh. My bedroom was supposed to be done by the start of school, but that obviously didn't happen... I also need to pick out a story for speech team, do the rest of my homework and exercise. Well, I don't NEED to exercise, but I'd like to. Right now, I'm sitting in my lovely white-turned-dirty-tan chair and listening to some tunes. Oh, another thing I'd like to do is pick out some frames for the shelf above my desk. I was planning on putting pictures of me and my friends in there. In one frame, a picture of the group at Marnie's halloween party. And I'm leaving the others empty, so I can fill them up later. :) I'm going shoe shopping later today I hope; either today or tomorrow but I want to go today, when my mom gets home. I'd also like to play some video games. But- gasp- I only have: CSI, which I've played a thousand times, but I suppose I could solve murders some more...; SoulCalibur2, which I do not understand, but I do get to fight people; Guitar Hero, which is fun for a while... and Rayman Raving Rabbids, which is fun and completely pointless. Then I have my DS games... OOH! I could start Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box for the second time... that wouldn't be bad. Or I could read. Or do more laundry. Ha ha... right. Too many choices. Which is sad, because with all those choices I'm still bored. Maybe I'll flip a coin. Yes! So, Video Games vs. Something else (reading, movie, cleaning etc.) I'll go get my iTouch, which has a coin toss app. Video Games is tails, Something else is heads. Best two out of three. This is intense. Tails, Heads... ooo it's a tie.... suspenseful. Last one, to decide it all: HEADS! Something else it is. So, another competition. Reading vs. Movie, then (the winner) vs. cleaning. Best two out of three. Reading, tails, movies, heads. Tails, Heads... heads. Movie vs. Cleaning. Movie, tails, cleaning, heads. Heads, heads! Cleaning it is. Wow. Even in coin tosses productivity wins. Alrighty then, I'm off to clean my bathroom. I actually don't have much to do, just clean out the drawers and stuff. It'll be wonderful. Then, I'll play video games, since they were the first ones out, I don't want to make them feel included.
I still wish it was raining.

Oh, hai there.

Tu es une moche grandmere.


I'm Natalie. I like intense rainy days, brownies, friends and reading.


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